Scientific communication of Russia in the information landscape of the modern world

  • Petruk G.V.

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Chair of Management
    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Сачко Максим Анатольевич

    Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor of the Chair of of Information Technologies and Systems
    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


Science becomes the most important source of socio-economic progress in the modern world. Bibliometric indices analyses is capable of assessment of national science contribution to international science development. Russian scientists contribution to international science development by means of scientometrical measurement analyses is the aim of the present analytical review. Bibliometric analyses methods are capable of quantitative assessment of scientific cooperation, effectiveness and other factors of science functioning. Statistics of international scientific citation Web of Science database became the informational background for the research. Publication indicators of Russian and world-leading scientists in 2010 – 2017 are analyzed in the article. Russian researchers publication activity is regarded within the framework of certain scientific fields that helps to define the area of expertise of Russian scientific works. The results of the conducted research can be applied at the study of different scientific areas development trends, at the effectiveness assessment of scientific institutions activity, at complete assessment of the state scientific opportunities in whole and the state regions. The research results can be an effective method of study of professional entity communication and a method of defining of the most fruitful researchers at different fields of study, etc.

Keywords: Web of Science, bibliometric indices, publication activity, citation rate, international analyses.